Toxicology Research

Toxicology Research publishes innovative, cutting edge research that drives the field of toxicology forward and has international impact. As the official journal of the British Toxicology Society (BTS) and the Chinese Society of Toxicology, and published in partnership with Oxford University Press, the journal provides an outlet for the best research in fundamental and applied aspects of toxicology. Articles cover chemical, biological, clinical, or environmental health aspects of the toxic response and the mechanisms involved. Impact factor for 2023: 2.2.  This information is taken from the Journal Citation Reports (Source Clarivate, 2024).

Authors will benefit from a fast, fair, and thorough peer review process via the expert Editorial Board, with accepted manuscripts made available online immediately after acceptance. Professor Shirley Price, the Editor-in-Chief, is well known to BTS as a past president. She is supported by an eminent international Editorial and Advisory Boards. Our Editorial Board Members are Dr Emma Marczylo, UK Health Security Agency, UK, Professor Ruth Roberts, University of Birmingham, UK, Professor Emerita Heather Wallace, University of Aberdeen, UK and Dr Ruixue Huang, Central South University, China. They are key to ensuring the journal remains current and hence suggest key topic areas and contributors for the journal as well as providing support in suggesting topics for special issues. Our Advisory Board is carefully selected to represent the interests of academia, industry, and the two National Societies. The Advisory Board members are recognized as international experts and cover multiple broad areas of toxicology which ensures the quality of our publications. The Board helps with recruiting peer reviewers, provides advice on topics, and gives feedback on published issues. More information can be found here:

The high quality of the papers, reviews and viewpoints published in the journal is due the work of our current Associate Editors Professor Ping-Kun Zhou (Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, China) and Dr Lisa Truong (Oregon State University). You can read more about their research interests here:

In addition, the journal is supported by a dedicated team in the guise of a Publisher, Liz Holwell,  who oversees the journal’s strategy and financial performance and Jac Keron, Managing Editor, who conducts initial quality checks of submissions and manages the peer review process.

BTS members are eligible to receive a significant discount for an online subscription to Toxicology Research, and the journal continues to provide financial support for BTS activities, so please continue to submit your manuscripts.