Nominations Subcommittee

The Nominations Subcommittee (NSC) is responsible for providing the Executive Committee (EC) with recommendations for the positions of Officers and Ordinary Members of the EC in the Society Elections at the BTS AGM. The NSC also submits recommendations for nominations for Chairs of Society Subcommittees to the EC. The NSC is chaired by the Immediate Past President of the BTS and up to six additional members appointed by the EC.

Chair: Professor Brian Lake Immediate Past President


Professor Rob Chilcott
Dr Chris Powell – Member
Dr Elizabeth Martin – Member
Dr Tina Mehta – Member
Professor Shirley Price
Dr Lesley Reeve

Ex officio Members:

Dr Nevine Amer; Chair of the NEST
Professor Ian Copple; Chair of Scientific Subcommittee

Professor Winston Morgan – Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Co-Ordinator