About the BTS

The British Toxicology Society (BTS) is a society for all fields of professional toxicologists and all those with an interest in toxicology. Within the site you will find details of Scientific MeetingsContinuing Professional DevelopmentJob VacanciesCareers AdviceNews and items of interest to BTS members, as well as any professionals within the field of toxicology.

We hope you find the site interesting and informative, but note there is even more behind the secure Members only pages.

Our Vision

To drive excellence in toxicology

Our Mission

To provide the principal forum for toxicology in the UK, to support and enrich the careers of toxicologists, and to promote the importance and advancement of toxicology in the wider scientific and lay communities.

BTS History

The BTS was founded as a natural successor to the Toxicology Club (1971-1979), with the aim of providing a discussion forum for scientific problems and issues related to toxicology. A list of Past Chairs and Presidents can be found here. The BTS was constituted formally in April 1979 with 200 members. One key role for the BTS is to host an Annual Congress where toxicologists from all areas of the discipline come together to participate in learning and discuss research in toxicology.

If members could help promote the BTS and its history by displaying the posters below on staff and student notice boards, this would be appreciated.

BTS: Who are we? 2024 PortraitBTS: Who are we? 2024 LandscapeList of Chairs and Presidents of the BTSBTS History Poster - PortraitBTS History Poster - LandscapeOriginal BTS History Poster

BTS Donors

As a registered charity, the BTS is grateful for any donations which supporting organisations feel able to offer.

For further details on how to donate please contact by emailing:


The British Toxicology Society is grateful to have received donations from the following companies: