5th BelTox Workshop on Non-clinical Safety Assessment of Biopharmaceuticals

Event Date: May 11th 08:05 - 11th 17:05 2017

The organizing committee is pleased to announce that the 5th BelTox Workshop on Non-clinical Safety Assessment of Biopharmaceuticals will take place on Thursday 11 May 2017 at Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Beerse, Belgium.

The topic of this year’s meeting will be The importance of species selection to predict the human safety of biopharmaceuticals. The preliminary programme is now available (see attachment). The format of the workshop will be similar to the previous ones; i.e. lectures by international experts in the morning and the analysis of case studies in round table discussions in the afternoon, followed by a general discussion with the audience to foster interactions.
Registration is now open on the Beltox website. Registration fees, including coffee breaks and lunch, are 250 € for BelTox members and 400 € for non-members.
We are convinced the workshop will once more provide a unique opportunity for networking and to follow up on recent advances in biopharmaceutical drug development.

View the programme: 5th Beltox Workshop Safety Assessment Biopharm – 11 May 2017 – Programme