BTS Annual Congress Student Bursaries
Student bursaries are awarded to support the participation of students at the BTS Annual Congress to present an oral or poster communication
A successful applicant will be keen to communicate their work in the field of toxicology
Apply for a Student BursarySupports student BTS members to attend the BTS Annual Congress
Annually on a competitive basis (maximum of 10 Student bursaries per annum)
Registration, accommodation, and travel for the Annual Congress in line with BTS Travel Policy
- BTS member (or membership application received no later than bursary application)
- Applicant must present an poster or oral communication at the Annual Congress
- Maximum of 2 student bursaries per individual during their career
- Open to all Student BTS members, independent of age or place of study or employment
- Completed application form, including status confirmation by Head of Department or line manager
- Submission of a report on one of the Annual Congress symposia for publication on the BTS website
- Application submitted
- Scientific Subcommittee review and select
- Successful applicants notified by Scientific Subcommittee Chair before the early bird registration deadline for the BTS Annual Congress
Student Bursaries are open to those studying toxicology and related disciplines and includes those engaged in taught academic courses (MSc, BSc, etc.), Postgraduate Studies (PhD, D. Phil, etc.). This includes apprenticeships, as well as those studying part-time whilst working; however, since the BTS is a charity, we encourage those studying whilst working to seek funding from their employer