ASCEPT Lecture Award

The BTS has an exchange scheme with the Australasian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologist (ASCEPT), which provides an opportunity for a BTS member to attend the ASCEPT Annual Scientific Meeting to deliver the BTS Keynote Presentation, form new collaborations and visit a number of universities and institutions in Australasia to present additional lecture(s) where appropriate.

The successful candidate will be an active contributor to the field of toxicology and/or pharmacology, and be keen to use the opportunity to build contacts and networks to further develop their work.

2023 award application deadline: Friday 28th April 2023

Ascept LogoAbout ASCEPT

The Australian Society of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacologists and Toxicologist (ASCEPT) is the professional and independent Society in Australia and New Zealand with expertise in the use and toxicity of medicines and chemicals. Established in 1966, ASCEPT is affiliated with the International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology (IUPHAR) and the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX)

1996    David Ray

1998    Iain Purchase

2000    Kevin Park

2002    Gay Hawksworth

2004    Nick Bateman

2006    Kelly BéruBé

2008    Matthew Wright

2010    Tim Gant

2012    [No award made]

2014    [No award made]

2016    [Rescinded]

2018    John Thompson

2020    [Postponed due to Pandemic]

2021    Amy Chadwick

2023   Marion MacFarlane