Environmental Toxic Tort: Current Perspectives and Recent Cases

Event Date: August 8th - 8th 2023


Environmental toxic tort claims are personal injury lawsuits in which claimants allege adverse health impacts from environmental exposure to toxic substances, due to wrongful acts, or omissions, of defendants. These claims fall within the remit of civil law and are therefore distinct from the enforcement of environmental regulations by government bodies, such as the Environment Agency. Remedies for successful claimants typically involve financial compensation, which may include punitive damages. The Hollywood movies Dark Waters and Erin Brockovich depict such lawsuits.

The goal of this conference is to explore current perspectives on environmental toxic tort claims and review recent cases. Observations regarding the relevance of this area of law to environmental protection will also be discussed, while technical challenges, especially those relating to causation, will be highlighted.
The conference is aimed at practicing lawyers and legal academics, as well as toxicologists and environmental scientists. It will also be of interest to policy-makers, consultants, and insurers. The conference will end with a networking reception.

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Standard registration deadline: 04/08/2023
Venue: The Royal Society of Chemistry, Library Suite, The Royal Society of Chemistry, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London, W1J 0BA, United Kingdom
Contact: Kate Jones – contact us by email