Drug discovery science

Find out how scientists discover chemical candidates for new pharmaceuticals. You’ll learn how to meet the pharmaceutical industry’s increasing demands for drugs that can treat illnesses safely and more effectively, overcome antibiotic resistance, and be produced at a lower financial and environmental cost.

This course covers the drug discovery and design techniques used in the pharmaceutical industry. You’ll study topics such as pharmacology, toxicology and genomics as you learn how target molecules to treat specific diseases are identified, characterised and optimised for potential clinical trials.

Your training will cover the fundamental chemistry and biology of protein interactions, their role in disease and how drugs affect the human body. You’ll learn about computer-aided drug design techniques that are used to predict how well a potential drug might work and screening technologies that are used to test a drug’s effect on its molecular targets.

The course is taught by world-leading scientists from across chemistry, biology, engineering and medicine and gives you access to state-of-the-art screening and analysis facilities. Modules
A selection of modules are available each year – some examples are below. There may be changes before you start your course. From May of the year of entry, formal programme regulations will be available in our Programme Regulations Finder.

Core modules:

Laboratory Practice and Statistics
Research and Presentation Skills
Drug Design, Pharmacology & Medicinal Chemistry
Drug Discovery Research Project
Optional modules – two or three from:

The Biotech and Pharmaceutical Industry
Neurodevelopment and Behaviour
AMR and Current Clinical Practice
Genomic Approaches to Drug Discovery
Cancer Biology
Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Synthesis
Modelling Protein Interactions
Gene Networks: Models and Functions

Course Type: Academic courses

Learning Type: In Person

Start Months: September

Course Duration: Full Time

Full Time Hours: 12 months

Qualifications Required: MSc

Cost: £12,250

Contact details of organiser: University of Sheffield

Entry Requirements:

Minimum 2:1 undergraduate honours degree in chemistry, biology, pharmacy or a related subject.

We may also consider your application if you don’t meet the standard academic requirements but you have considerable relevant professional experience.

We also accept medical students who wish to intercalate their studies.

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