

Experimental design, biometry, statistics
History & tasks of toxicology. Laboratory animal science, animal welfare
Cell and molecular biology in toxicology
Toxicokinetics and metabolism of xenobiotics
Principles of toxicology, organ toxicology, laboratory diagnostics
Toxicologic pathology

Course Type: Academic courses

Learning Type: Online

Start Months: September

Course Duration: Full Time, Part Time

Full Time Hours: 36 months

Part Time Hours: 36 months

Qualifications Required: MSc

Cost: £3,096 per year

Contact details of organiser: Medical University of Vienna

Entry Requirements:

We are not aware of any specific GRE, GMAT or GPA grading score requirements for this programme. General requirements
An academic degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, pharmacy or nutritional science, or an equivalent science degree. Graduates with degrees in other subjects can be accepted if they have extensive professional experience in toxicology or in an area closely connected to toxicology.

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