Propose a New Speciality Section within the BTS

Executive Summary

Steps taken to propose a Speciality Section.

  • Outline proposal to be sent to the Chair of the Scientific Subcommittee (SSC) via
  • If a need is identified, the proposer will be asked to submit a detailed proposal to the SSC, together with a rationale for development of the Speciality Section and a signed declaration from 20 members of the Society supporting the formation of this Speciality Section.
  • If supported by the SSC, the proposer will be invited to present their proposal to the Executive Committee.
  • The proposer will be informed of the Executive Committee’s decision within 5 working days of their meeting.
  • The Speciality Section should be established within 12 months of the Executive Committee’s decision.
  • In the event that the Speciality Section has not met the conditions above and is not fully operational and viable within 2 years of being formed then the SSC will report this to the Executive Committee and the Specialty Section will be removed from the Society.


Toxicology has a broad remit and encompasses a range of sub-specialities and individual interests across the membership of the British Toxicology Society (BTS). A major expectation of many members of the BTS is for the Society to keep them up to date with developments in their respective toxicological field and to allow a forum for discussion and networking around their professional interests. To facilitate and address this, the BTS Scientific Sub-committee (SSC) endorses and supports a number of Speciality Sections (identified below).

The purpose of these Speciality Sections is to encourage networking, discussion and professional representation both within the BTS and the wider toxicology community. Each Speciality Section has a Co-ordinator who represents their Speciality Section on the Scientific Subcommittee (SSC). In particular, the Speciality Sections:

  • Promote and facilitate networking, discussion, communication, collaboration and support amongst BTS members across their specialist area.
  • Identify and propose areas of current interest for their respective membership to the SSC through identification of suitable topics and contributors for symposia at the annual congress.
  • Provide representation across their interest area within the BTS scientific and professional activities.
  • Identify and promote opportunities for webinars, satellite meetings, and professional development events, with an expectation of at least one proposed webinar/meeting per year submitted to the SSC from each Speciality Section.
  • Uphold the scientific quality of any BTS events relating to their specific speciality and activity.
  • Interact with other learned societies, professional bodies and stakeholders in their speciality, on behalf of the BTS
  • Provide representation (when requested by BTS Executive Committee) for media enquiries and consultations aligned to their specialist areas.
  • Provide the SSC with a regular update on the activities, challenges and successes of their Speciality Section, for inclusion in the SSC reports to the BTS Executive Committee.

The current Speciality Sections of the Society are detailed here:

The relevance, currency and remit of the BTS Speciality Sections and their benefit for the membership of the Society is reviewed on a five-year cycle.

Details of the procedure to propose a Speciality Section

The Mission of the Society is to “To provide the principal forum for Toxicology in the UK, to support and enrich the careers of toxicologists and to promote the importance and advancement of toxicology in the wider scientific and lay communities”. It is therefore important that the Executive Committee and its subcommittees encourage diversity in its delivery of all aspects of its discipline to the community and thus support members who may wish to propose a new Speciality Section to meet the mission of the Society.

  • Provide an outline proposal to the Chair of the Scientific Subcommittee (SSC) via who will discuss the proposal to identify the need and feasibility of the proposal and identify any cross-over with existing Speciality Sections.
  • If the Chair is content that there is a need for this proposed Speciality Section, the proposer will be informed of this and be asked to provide the following documents for consideration by the SSC:
    • The detailed proposal of aims and objectives of the proposed Speciality Section. (This should be provided in a document of no more than 500 words).
    • A rationale for the development of the Speciality Section, including explanations as to why the proposer believes this area is not covered by other Speciality Sections. (This should be provided in a document of no more than 500 words).
    • A signed declaration from 20 members of the Society supporting the formation of this Speciality Section
  • The SSC will discuss the proposal at their next scheduled meeting
    • If the SSC agree that there is a potential need for the new Speciality Section, then the proposer will be notified and the proposal, along with a supporting statement from the SSC will be sent to the General Secretary, for consideration by the BTS Executive Committee
    • If the proposal is not supported by the SSC, the proposer will be notified by the SSC Chair and an explanation for the decision provided.
  • If supported by the SSC, the proposer will be invited to a meeting of the Executive Committee to present their proposal.
    • If the Executive Committee agree to the proposal (majority decision will suffice) and endorses the proposal the proposer will be told in writing within 5 working days of the meeting.
    • If the proposal is unsuccessful the proposer will be provided with feedback within 5 working days of the meeting.
  • Where successful, the proposer will then have 12 calendar months to set up the speciality group and report back on membership and a plan of action to the SSC and the Chair of the SSC will provide an update to the Executive Committee.
  • In the event that the Speciality Section has not met the conditions above and is not fully operational and viable within 2 years of being formed then the SSC will report this to the EC and the Specialty Section will be disbanded.


Date: 20 June 2024

Review: June 2026