Gordon Gibson Travel Award

The Gordon Gibson Travel Award is awarded to support the participation of a BTS member at the Gordon Research Conference on Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity (or Gordon Research Conference on a toxicology related topic).  A successful applicant will be keen to communicate their work in the field of toxicology

Award attributes

Supports a BTS member to attend to give an oral or poster communication at the conference.


Initially up to two travel awards per annum, with further awards at Executive Committee discretion.

Support provided

Up to £1500 towards conference attendance (registration fee, accommodation and travel, in-line with BTS travel policy)


  • BTS member for at least 1 year prior to application date
  • Applicant must present an poster or oral communication
  • Once awarded successful applicant cannot apply again for 3 years
  • Open to all members and is independent of age, career stage or place of employment
Application requirements
  • Online application at least 3 months prior to conference
  • Presentation (oral/poster) abstract
  • Full CV
  • Details of application(s) for additional funding sources
  • Report of meeting for the BTS website upon return
  • Application submitted
  • Officers review and make recommendation for ratification by the Executive Committee
  • Successful applicant notified by Scientific Subcommittee Chair at least 1 month prior to conference

About Gordon Gibson (1949-2008)

Professor of Molecular Toxicology, University of Surrey

Having obtained his PhD in Drug Metabolism in 1976, Gordon built experience in the biochemistry of cytochrome P450 during a postdoc in Prof Schenkman’s lab in the US, before returning to the University of Surrey to lead a distinguished career, becoming Professor of Molecular Toxicology in 1992.  He enthused over 45 PhD students and countless undergraduates and masters students.  His boundless energy and enthusiasm was infectious.  Gordon loved the cut and thrust of scientific debate, never more so than networking with peers at a conference; thus it’s fitting to remember him with an award to attend the prestigious Gordon conference.  Read more about Gordon’s life and work in Xenobiotica 2008, 38 (7-8), 653.